Dear 2020......

Dear 2020,

Thank you for teaching me grace and what it means to hold space for another.

Thank you for teaching me even more compassion for my fellow humans.

Thank you for teaching me resilience in the face of adversity.

Thank you for teaching me how to be humble.

Thank you for showing me that sometimes, less is more.

Thank you for bringing new friends into my life that I otherwise would have never crossed paths with.

Thank you for giving me the courage to step out of my comfort zone.

Thank you for allowing me to be there for others, in some small way.

All of these lessons learned will follow me throughout the rest of my life.



What can I say about this last year?  It sucked, to be blunt but it also had its positive moments.

  • We lost my father in law in January,  prior to Covid-19.  His loss is felt every single day.
  • Being part of an essential business (outside of soap making) brought it's own fears, scares and challenges, and I thank God every single day for his grace.
  • I discovered that I am completely terrible at helping my teenage son with his school work, unless it has to do with business math.
  • Being a creative maker in a Covid-19 world turned mine upside down and the word, pivot, brought new meaning to how small businesses like this one can continue to operate and thrive.
  • I met an amazing group of women, who have filled a hole in my heart.
  • We were able to move my studio into it's own dedicated space, which afforded me more production space and that has allowed me to add additional items to our product offerings.

I so look forward to where 2021 will take my small little soap business in the mountains.  Maybe not large outdoor gatherings, art shows or craft fairs just yet.
You'll find me in my studio, streaming live, making soap, answering questions, and finding new ways to reach out and engage with my customers.  I've said it before and will say it again.  Good things are coming in 2021.


With gratitude,







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